A History of Moscow

introducing the people, buildings, and landscapes that make Moscow, Idaho unique

About A History of Moscow

This site is generated using collectionbuilder-gh, a project to generate a free and simple digital collection using GitHub Pages from:

collectionbuilder-gh is intended as a simple template for hands-on teaching about digital libraries. It can be used in a workshop setting to take participants through digitization and metadata creation, to having a live collection site hosted on GitHub.

Similar learning experiences use Omeka or other DAMS/CMS platforms that are overkill for one off projects. Although CMS feature familiar GUI administration interfaces, they are not simple to learn and customize. collectionbuilder-gh aims to be well documented and easy to configure by following the example. A project in “minimal computing”, it provides a depth of learning opportunities, allowing users to take complete ownership over the project and make their work open to the world.

Learn about:


CollectionBuilder is a project of University of Idaho Library’s Digital Initiatives as part of the Lib-STATIC toolkit. It uses the open source static site generator Jekyll built into hosting from GitHub Pages. The basic frame work is created using Bootstrap and jQuery. Metadata visualizations are created using DataTables, Leafletjs, and Lunr.js. Document metadata is exposed using Schema.org and Open Graph protocol standards.

Questions can be directed to libstatic.uidaho@gmail.com

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Last build date: 2023-04-26.